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Frequently Asked Questions

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Why rent a car in Dubai?

Whether you’re here for a holiday or residing in the UAE, rental cars offer the much-needed flexibility and convenience. The world-class infrastructure Dubai has to offer can be experienced the right way only with a car. You can rent a car based on your budget, preference, requirement dand even have it delivered to your location across Dubai.

What is Roadside Assistance?

Roadside assistance is a collective name given to different services which are offered to motorists who are stranded for various reasons including dead battery, flat tire, collision, faulty engine, leaking engine or gear oil, as well as any others. We provide towing services and, on the site, mechanical aid including battery or tire replacement.

What is your response time?

It depends on how far you are out of our nearest service centre. However, in most cases, we reach within a maximum of 30 minutes. If it will take longer than that, we will let you know beforehand.

What are your charges?

To offer the best services within reasonable prices, we maintain competitive pricing.

Our Lot is Open 24/7